Monday, May 19, 2008

the cabin

It's finally spring, and that means we go up north more often to our cabin. Hurray!
Craig and I were up there this past weekend. It was cool and very breezy, but still so wonderful to be there. Craig's friend Joe and his son, little Joe (although he's really not so little!) came up too. We had a great time playing horseshoes, doing a little fishing, playing cribbage, and grilling steaks. Our excitement for the weekend was when a storm came through about 6:00 PM on Saturday. We had straight line winds and big waves. The wind took down a tree in the vacant lot next to us. The tree hit a power line and knocked out the transformer. It's a good thing we had planned to put everything on the grill for supper because we ended up being without electricity for over 12 hours. We played cribbage by candlelight. I was thankful that the tree only hit the power lines - what if a tree had fallen on the cabin or one of our vehicles? And then I thought about the people in Myanmuir and China? Our little storm was nothing compared to theirs.

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