Sunday, September 13, 2015

Garage Sale Treasures

This week there was a garage sale at a cabin one the road we drive each day to go to town. Craig stopped yesterday, and came home with a set of lawn chairs and a couple of other things.  As we drove into town yesterday we noticed that there was a new sign at the sale - "Today is Wheelin' Dealin' Day." We just had to stop, and we were so glad we did. Just about everything was half price, and they were willing to deal even more. We ended up spending $16 (original total would have been $34) and came home with lots of treasures.

Here are the kitchen items I found. What you can't see is that there are two nice microwavable bowls inside the pot. The pot itself will go in our camper. The handle and metal thing in the pot on the right is a nice sized sifter. There's also a pair of metal tongs.

When I saw this pair of doors, pinterest-style ideas ran through my mind. I could put a different picture in the upper section and hang the door on the wall. I could paint a door a fun color, and add cork in the upper section. I could add fun knobs and make a door a jewelry organizer. When I saw the price - they were marked at $1 each but with the half price I could get them both for $1- I knew I had to get them. 

Craig had seen this metal fencing when he was first at the sale. We decided to buy it today. Now we'll have fun finding the right spot for it. These sections would look great with vines growing on them. Or how about spray painting them a fun accent color for the back of the garden?

Down in the basement of the cabin where the sale was I spotted this light fixture. I showed it to Craig and he liked it too, so it came home with us.

Craig didn't waste any time putting this new light up at home. We needed a fixture in the hallway outside our bedroom, and this one is so pretty!

There were a couple of pieces of furniture at the sale that I wanted to buy - if only I had time to refinish/re-purpose furniture. It's a dream of mine, to be able to pick up used furniture and make it pretty again - and then sell it. 
We did buy one little side table - but Craig took it into the garage as soon as we got home and put wood glue on some of it's joints, so I didn't get a picture of it. 

This afternoon we talked about how, if we had a secondhand store, we could have bought lots of treasures at this sale for the store - and made money selling them. I decided that it's a good idea to go to sales on the last day of the sale because you're more likely to get a bargain. Sure, some of the "good stuff" will be gone, but you never know what you'll find at a garage sale. That's half the fun!

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