Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Great Wedding

Today Craig and I went to the wedding of a friend of Jeff. Jason and Brielle were married outdoors in one of the most beautiful ceremonies I've ever attended. They got married at Brielle's house. Her pastor officiated, and I could tell what a big heart he has - for both God and Brielle. He said some great things about being married. I hope that the ceremony was taped because I'm sure Jason and Brielle won't really remember what he said. Both Jason and Brielle wrote their own vows. I had tears running down my cheeks after I heard them. But the most touching moment of all was when Brielle washed Jason's feet. She had prerecorded a tape that they played while she was washing his feet and on it she explained why she wanted to do this at her wedding. Just weeks after they got engaged they went on a mission trip to Mississippi. While they were there they participated in a foot washing ceremony and she said that it changed their lives. So she decided to wash Jason's feet to show everyone that she is committed to serving him and loving him and taking care of him for the rest of their lives. It was a wonderful wedding. (Even more so because Brenton read the scripture for the ceremony, Jeff was an usher, and we got to show off our grandchildren and play with them after the ceremony!)
May God richly bless your marriage and your life together, Jason and Brielle!

1 comment:

Miss Carrie said...

Yay! You are alive! :)