Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12 Days till Christmas

So far I am doing pretty good at getting ready for Christmas. I mailed my cards today. I have more than half of my shopping done. My tree is up - although it still needs ornaments. We have had lights on the outside of our house since before Thanksgiving (we put them up while it was still warm outside!) But what do I really want to do for Christmas - what are the really important things? Here's my list so far:
  • Bake cookies - maybe have a time to do it with my daughter and daughter-in-law, and maybe my granddaughter?
  • Have my neighbors over for coffee - or bring them some cookies.
  • Have enough decorations in my house to make it look festive but not overdo it.
  • Go to a candlelight service.
  • Make a gift for my dad and for my mother-in-law.
  • Keep everything simple so I'm not wore out before Christmas.
  • Call a few friends I haven't talked to lately.

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