Nehemiah 8:10 says, "the joy of the Lord is your strength."
My husband shared his thoughts about this verse with me this weekend, and it has really stayed in my mind. He said that satan knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength so he tried to rob us of that joy. If he takes away our joy then we are weak.
So I choose joy - the joy of the Lord. Each and every day, each and every moment, I choose joy. Sometimes I may not feel joyful, but I can choose joy anyways. The more I choose joy, the more I will experience God's joy and that will be my strength. I do not have to rely on my own strength - I know how weak I really am. I don't even need to fight the battle. All I need to do is choose the joy of the Lord.
So, I encourage you as well - to choose joy today!
Thank you, Kris. I do choose joy.
Good thoughts!
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