Sunday, October 5, 2008

Need a Savior?

One of my favorite songs is Mighty to Save because it reminds me that my God is the author of my salvation, He is mighty, He can move mountains, and we need Him so much. I can not save myself. No matter how good I am, I am still a sinner. I still make mistakes, I am human, and I am powerless over death. I cannot have victory over death or anything else on my own. But God loved me when I was still a sinner. He loved me so much He sent His Son to die on a cross for me. And, His Son, Jesus, had victory over death! He rose again. He said that He's preparing a place for me with Him in heaven - if I just believe in Him and let Him be my Savior and Lord. When you really stop to think about those truths it blows you away. How amazing is God's love for us.
You can have the assurance today that He is your Savior too. All you need to do is invite Him in - into your heart and into your life. Jesus died on the cross for me and for you. But He didn't stay on the cross, He didn't stay dead. He rose, had victory over death so that you and I can live with Him in heaven. Lay down your sins, lay down your fears and failures, your broken heart, your weariness with life, and let Him in. Do it today!He is mighty to save - and He loves you so much! (John 3:16)

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