Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hi Nana!

My granddaughter, Izzy,loves to talk on the phone.....and I love it when she calls me. Yesterday she called to thank me for the valentine I sent her. Then we talked about her day - breakfast at McDonald's, shoping at the thrift store, gymnastics class. It is so much fun to hear about the things she thinks are important. I hope that we can always talk on the phone, even when she gets to be a teenager.


Maxine said...

My granddaughter has started liking to talk on the phone too! I get the same words, "Hi Nanna!" Your little one is SO cute!

I came by to tell you to come over to my blog so you can take part in the giveaway we're having. There's a link at the top post that will take you to the giveaway. You migh like what we're giving!

Blessings, Kris1

Miss Carrie said...

Cute picture! I miss her phone calls.