Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

What did you have for our Thanksgiving dinner?
I remember one Thanksgiving when we did appetizers and snack food because Jeff had a hockey game at 3 PM. 
Another year we had barbecued ribs and meatballs.
Over the years we've tried a few other foods, but it doesn't seem like Thanksgiving without turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. So this year we didn't even fight it. We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I did try a couple of new recipes, however, and they were a big hit.
I used a recipe from to marinade our turkey.
My daughter saw this green bean hotdish recipe at and sent it to me. Everyone at the table loved this new twist to an old favorite.
For our sweet potatoes I went back to a trusted source - my Betty Crocker cookbook ( a wedding gift 33 years ago). I boiled the sweet potatoes and then skinned them cut them into pieces and put them in a dish.Next I melted butter and added brown sugar, milk and salt, let it boil for a couple of minutes, and then poured it over the sweet potatoes. I added some marshmallows, and popped the dish into the oven for 15-20 minutes. The marshmallows melted completely, but the sweet potatoes were great.
We also had mashed potaotoes and gravy, rolls and Snicker Salad. My nephew brought creamed corn that he had made from scratch. I'm going to have to get his recipe. It was delicious!
My son brought over a pumpkin pie, but we were all so full from the meal that we're saving the pie for a bit later.
For supper we'll have leftovers plus some buffalo chicken dip that Aaron is making, some crescent roll hotdog bites, chips and grapes.
I think we had better go fo a walk first!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Carrie said...

Sounds delicious!

Brenda said...

We did traditional on TG and went to another one at my Dad's today. Seemed to taste better today for some reason! I brought the sweet potatoes tho' I'm not big on them. Mine are very similar to yours except with the brown sugar I added crushed pineapple. They must've been a hit because they were nearly gone! I guess more people like them than I thought.
Glad you had a wonderful day.
God bless.

kris said...

Thanks for sharing the idea to add pineapple! I'm going to try that next time.