Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Photo

I'm starting a new thing for my blog - Friday Photo. I am going to try to share some of my favorite photos. I actually started last Friday with "Think Spring".
So here's my photo for this week!

"Are you friend or foe?"


Lori said...

Kris - Thanks! She's a mini-schnauzer. We didn't have her ears clipped - we like them floppy. Your pup is cute!!

I like your family room addition! Very cool!

And I wasn't sure if you received my other comment - I was responding to yours - Joel and I had to close our business doors, God carried us for 9 months with zero income until Joel acquired a job with BNSF Railway. We are so grateful. Eventually that landed is us in SD. Lori W.

kris said...

Is that a wolverine ?

kris said...

Is that a wolverine ?