Last weekend we went to the Big Iron Rig Classic Truck Show in Kasson, MN. Craig drove his semi and wa
s part of the show. You wouldn't believe how many semis there were in the little county fairgrounds of Kasson. Last year there were over 600 - I think there were even more this year. Most of the trucks were working trucks - guys and gals use them every day for their jobs. There were cabovers and conventionals, old trucks and brand new ones, day cabs and trucks with sleepers, fancy trucks and plain ones, wreckers, tankers, flatbeds and vans, trucks pulling campers, and trucks geared for truck pulls. The Chrome Shop Mafia was there, and so was the star from Ice Road Truckers. The show had the atmosphere of the state fair. There were mini doughnuts for sale, pork chops on a stick, and food in the 4-H building. There were vendors - all selling truck-related items, of course. And then there were the people. Young and old, some drive trucks, some know someone who drives, and some just love the big rigs. I heard that the trucks started rolling in to Kasson last Monday, even though the show didn't start until Friday. On Saturday there was a truck parade through the town. People lined the streets to see the rigs and hear their air horns. Some of the truckers even threw candy to the kids. There were lots of people with cameras too. But the highlight of the show was the Truck Pull Saturday night. People waited in line for over an hour to get tickets to the Pull. The stands were packed, as was the pit area. And people were not disappointed. It was quite a show. A lot of truckers just wanted to see if their rig could pull the weighted sled, but there were also some "professional" pull trucks. A couple of the rigs had flames come out of their smokestacks (just for the effect) before they pulled. One truck did a wheelie all the way down the track while it was pulling. (I wonder how he did that?) Craig's friends, the 3 Sailor brothers, all have pull trucks - and we really enjoyed watching them pull.
We really had a great time at the show - but the best part of the weekend? The kisses we got from our grandchildren when we stopped Sunday to visit them on the way home!!!
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