Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Grandchildren

Here is a picture of my son, daughter-in-law and their family. Don't I just have the most beautiful children and grandchildren? I wish that we lived closer so that I could see them every day, or that I didn't have to work so that I could go and stay with them.

Since neither of those things is true, I will be content with occasional visits, telephone calls, these wonderful pictures, and lots of prayers for them. I pray for wisdom and patience for Brenton and Stephanie as they try to be good parents. I pray for Jake, Izzy, and Drew - that they will know Jesus personally and will grow to live their lives for Him. I pray for their safety and their health. I will tell them every time I talk with them about how much I love them . And I know that God loves them even more than I do and that He is with them always.


Miss Carrie said...

Cute picture!

Stephanie Balvin said...

What a sweet post-thanks! THANK YOU for the prayers, keep them coming, we need them and appreciate them! Looking forward to seeing you soon.