Sunday, October 24, 2010

Keep on seeking

Last Sunday we went to Church of the Open Door and heard a fantastic message from Steve Wiens. He spoke from Colossians 3:1-2:

If then, you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.

Steve said that the words "keep seeking" come from the word zeteo, meaning - a deperate search. He compared it to the parable in Luke 15:6- where the man who owns 100 sheep leaves the 99 and goes out to look for the one that is lost; and the parable in Matthew 13:45- where merchant seeks fine pearls and when he finds one sells all that he has for that one pearl.

We are to desperately search for the things above. Isn't it wonderful that God says, seek and ye shall find.

Steve also talked about what it means to be at the right hand of God. In Biblical times the place of honor was at the right hand of the king. That person, at the king's right hand, has the king's favor. He would have all the power, all the authority of the king. Christ has all the power of God, all authority. This is our Saviour - the one who sits at God's right hand.

I feel like I'm telling this so inadequately - but it resonated in my heart. I want to keep seeking Christ - the things above.

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