Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Friends

We have been attending Emily Wesleyan Church for almost a year now and it has been such a blessing! Each week we've met someone new, and everyone has made us feel so welcome.
But it's more than just feeling welcome. We have made new friends. It does not take us long to become friends because we have the most basic thing in common - we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, so we are family.
As we have gotten to know them better, we have found that we have even more in common than just our faith. Many of the couples we have met are our age. They have kids about the same ages as ours. Quite a few have moved up north after their kids were grown. Just like us they started off having a cabin, and eventually decided that they wanted to make the cabin their home. Some have already moved there permanently, and others are like us - still dreaming about the move. They have worked on their cabins/homes just like Craig and I are working on ours.
I remember a song from Girl Scouts that says,
Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

I am trying to stay in touch with "old" friends because I cherish those relationships. But I am also so thankful for new friends. Friends, both old and new, are all more than gold in my book - they are priceless.

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hi Kris!
So great to hear from you!!! As you can see, I've cut down on blogging quite a bit, but still want to keep up with people as best I can, so I am so glad you came over and left a comment. All is well, but for some reason I've not been keep up.

I really like the new look of your blog! So nice seeing your photos and reading what you've been up to. Hope we can keep up with each other a bit more!