Monday, December 20, 2010

Are you ready for Christmas?

I have been thinking about Christmas - I'm sure you have too - and the lists of things that I think I need to get done this week.
But the thoughts I've had the most are these:

How am I responding to Christmas?

Am I like the wise men - searching for Him and coming to worship Him, bringing my gifts (treasures) to Him?

Am I like the shepherds, who left their flocks and found Him and were so excited that they told everyone what had happened? Am I like Mary- preparing my heart for His arrival?

Or--- am I like Herod, looking out for my own interests only?
Am I like the people of Bethlehem, completely oblivious to His coming, and not really caring?
Like Martha - so busy getting everything done for Christmas that my heart is not ready to listen to what He has to say to me?

I want to be one of the first group of people - a shepherd, a wise man, a Mary! Will you join me?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Great post. Thanks for leading our family this Christmas to remember the real reason for giving gifts and celebrating. :)